Posts tagged energy

Natural Sources of Energy & Vitality

Now that summer is almost here and things are heating up all over, we are all busy getting busy all the time. Aren’t there just about a million things you want to do? A million dreams to be fulfilled before the cold comes back, dreams to be managed around the things you have to do and those things that pop up out of the blue every day. So what do you need more than anything right now? Energy! Energy is one of the biggest selling concepts in America today. Energy drinks are just the tip of the iceberg with a huge legal market for various “boosts” and a growing illegal drug culture devoted to energy drugs like Cocaine, Crack and Meth. No matter how you shake it out, everybody is looking for some zip.

So how is it going for you? Are you barely dragging out of bed every day, driven by the need to make some money and to have some fun.. but you’re not sure you can do it all? Do you crash out in the afternoon, nodding over your desk or behind the wheel, dreaming about a big, hot cup of java? Or are you just feeling tired all the time, the entire day crawling by in an agonizing anticipation of a good nights sleep, which you never seem able to attain? If any of this is true for you, you are not alone. Fatigue is the second most common complaint to doctors in North America. Everybody else is just as tired as you are, so don’t feel bad.

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Easy Ways to Cut Energy Costs

I was not surprised by the fact that the average American family spends more than $1600 a year on utility bills. I know that seems surprising but I know what I pay and when you average it out, this amount seems average for us. This adds up to about $133 a month on average and we actually spend a lot more than that in the summer. I’m sure the same is true for a northern household in the winter. So $1600 does not seem extravagent and yet it is! Do you realize that the electricity generated to power a single family home creates more carbon than two average sized cars?! This, I must admit, I do find surprising and very disheartening. How on earth can we bring this number down? It’s not like we’re overdoing it, at least by our standard of daily life. So what can we do to change these numbers, to save carbon and money? And do these things have to make daily life difficult?

I think there are some easy solutions that can help us reduce this consumption however, I do not think anything is easy when it is not a part of a daily routine. I, just like everyone, has adjusted a routine that allows for just so many tasks a day within the framework of the demands made upon my time. I hate it when I have to stop something, change something, move something and, in the process, disrupt the efficiency of my routines. But, none the less, I do beleive the effort is worth it and I have been trying harder. Here are some of those steps you can take if you are willing to make small changes to your daily routines.

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The Scoop on CFL Bulbs

Why Switch to Compact Fluorescents?

Photo courtesy of What’s Toxic

I am sure you have heard of CFLs, that you should be using them, that you should avoid them, etc… with the argument still raging on both sides. Environmental groups have been encouraging people to switch from their current old fashioned light bulb to the new Compact Fluorescent Bulbs. The country of Australia has mandated that incandescents be phased out completely and, here in the US, California is considering similar legislation.

At the same time, you have been hearing that they are hazardous and require special handing, especially if they break. They have to be recycled in a specific way, not just tossed in the trash, making them seem formidable and problematic. But do their benefits outweigh the risks? And are the risks a genuine concern? Let’s give them a good look today and decide for ourselves.

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Green Your Home FAST!

Everybody is looking for ways to save the planet and save money, too. It is the primary goal of all of us today in this cold economy with a fast warming planet. Some folks seem exasperated with it all, saying that going green is a luxury and right now, we have to be economical. But someone needs to explain conservation to these folk. Conservation IS saving. Saving money and saving the earth.

You should be conserving in every way possible every single day. It will lighten the load on your wallet, make your life simpler and help the gasping environment at the same time. You should be thinking in this mode every day, all day. How can I save this? How can I stop losing that? How can I simplify my needs? How can I save money? We cannot afford to slip backwards one time in this effort, as it can cost us that last dime and push us closer to bankruptcy while adding another pile of trouble on our world at large. When you think about it, you will realize that what has happened to America then began to happen all over the world. As a rich country, a superpower in the world arena, we control the destiny of billions. Including many countries we will never visit and many others we don’t even know the names of.

So it is very important that we get it together, for ourselves, for the world and even more so, for our children and their future. But that does not mean it has to be a loss or a sacrifice. In fact, we have sacrificed more in the past, chasing money and working like dogs, than we will in the simpler, kinder future. And some of the solutions to our most pressing problems are readily in hand today. And, best of all, they just don’t cost a lot while they will save us tons of money and trouble in the future.

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More Ways to Green the Kitchen

The prime object of greening the kitchen is a plan to reduce waste. This will make a significant contribution to saving this planet and reducing the carbon footprint of our industrial society. However, going green does take a commitment, it isn’t something that can be done will watching TV or taking a bath, although you can make those activities greener, too. But going green may take some research and planning. At the very least, it will take thought. And your thinking should be about changing up the kitchen first because it is the most waste producing room in your home.

The best way get started is to just do it slowly, making changes when they’re painless and making easy, budget friendly choices. The whole idea centers around sustainability which means you should only make changes you can sustain over a long period. If it’s too expensive or difficult to repeat, then don’t even go there. If you want to get started today, I have some easy, simple steps you can take to get the ball rolling.

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How To Save Gas And Travel

Everybody is hurting over the economy. The gas prices are higher than ever and everything else has gone up with them. The real kicker is, even if the gas prices drop, the food and supplies that have risen in price because of high gas prices will not drop back down when the price of gas recedes. So right now, it’s gas that’s killing us. In the long run, it will be everything else.

But we are a traveling nation. Being such a large place with so many places to visit or do business in, we are all riding, flying or chugging our way to come distant port. And the price of doing business at a distance is also driving up the cost of products. Those of you who visit family in distant states or just enjoy a skoot to Vegas or Miami, then these suggestions are for you. They are mostly no-brainers, I think, but even still we often don’t think of them. They will save you money on your adventures so that you will have more cashola for the fun stuff like eating, sightseeing and partying.

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13 Tips to Cool Down and Save

Boy this summer has been hot. Here in Florida, it’s been up in the 90s on a daily basis with the heat index over 100. I see that the southwest is even hotter. However, I do remember past summers this hot, including the one when I went off to College in North Florida only to end up with a dorm room in the wing that did not have air. As well, someone had removed our window screens and no one wanted to replace them. That year, the thermometer we kept in our room hit 102 on several days. I cringe when I recall the heat and the bugs. I spent a lot of time in the grungy shower.

But most of us are currently using air conditioning to fight the heat. And with fuel prices soaring, the local utilities here in Florida have upped their cost per Kilowatt and are warning us that it will be done again. Heck, I am having a real headache making the payments on what we owe now and can’t imagine it getting hotter and even more expensive. How on earth can I cut my cost? Well, we have gone on budget billing, signed up for cycle offs during peak hours, flip the breaker on the dryer and water heater most days and try to cook without using the stove or oven. Whew. It has cut the cost, but not by much. Perhaps we had a reduction of around $10 last month. Are there any other methods we can employ to help bring this further down? I looked around the web, and here are the best ideas I found.

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