Posts tagged alternative

13 Tips to Cool Down and Save

Boy this summer has been hot. Here in Florida, it’s been up in the 90s on a daily basis with the heat index over 100. I see that the southwest is even hotter. However, I do remember past summers this hot, including the one when I went off to College in North Florida only to end up with a dorm room in the wing that did not have air. As well, someone had removed our window screens and no one wanted to replace them. That year, the thermometer we kept in our room hit 102 on several days. I cringe when I recall the heat and the bugs. I spent a lot of time in the grungy shower.

But most of us are currently using air conditioning to fight the heat. And with fuel prices soaring, the local utilities here in Florida have upped their cost per Kilowatt and are warning us that it will be done again. Heck, I am having a real headache making the payments on what we owe now and can’t imagine it getting hotter and even more expensive. How on earth can I cut my cost? Well, we have gone on budget billing, signed up for cycle offs during peak hours, flip the breaker on the dryer and water heater most days and try to cook without using the stove or oven. Whew. It has cut the cost, but not by much. Perhaps we had a reduction of around $10 last month. Are there any other methods we can employ to help bring this further down? I looked around the web, and here are the best ideas I found.

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Cheap, Easy Solar Homes

Here are some great references I got from the web. Sites you can check out today for info on these great new Solar Home opportunities. In the past, the first concerns for switching to solar included the cost (it has been prohibitive), efficiency (what efficiency?) and aesthetics (big windows on the roof). And who stays in the same home for 30 years these days? We are always trading up, if we can. So when do we realize the payback on big investments like solar? And what good will the expensive panels do you in your new home? Does it even add value to the selling price of the old one? Hmmmm..

But there is a solution to all of these concerns, and more! Check out Sun Run . What they do is unique, and does quite a thorough job in eliminating all of the old obstacles to solar. You do not have to buy, lease, rent or take out a loan to purchase a solar home as Sun Run retains ownership of the equipment. and guarantees a certain amount of power generation. How does that sound? At the least, you must admit, this is interesting.

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Help Support New Energy Technologies

I have this blog because I feel strongly about our treatment of Mother Earth and her children. I am not trying to promote various causes or push people to think differently but I do want to reach other earthies and greenies and herbies and give them the information, the power and the recipes for creating changes in their own daily lives. The information I have included in this post came from Care2. You can visit the Care2 Website here: Check It Out

A clean energy future awaits us. From flying windmills to hydrocarbon fuels derived from fermented sugar, countless innovations exist that can fight global warming, grow our economy and increase our energy independence. But we need the right national energy policies to make all of this happen.

Congress and the Bush Administration are dragging their feet, preferring the old methods of pressing for more oil drilling and giving tax breaks to big oil. While we are in an energy crisis, our “leaders” are clinging to their old earmark bonuses and the free lunch bennies they get from oil lobbyists.

But did you know that technologies exist that could solve it all if they were just given funding? There is solar ink that could revolutionize the way we think of solar energy, devices that harness the energy of waves, and a geothermal power plant that can power an entire village.

These innovations will only do our economy and our environment good. We can be the leaders in the world energy economy and decrease our dependence on foreign oil, but we must start now. This is an amazing opportunity. It is our responsibility to pressure the old coots in Washington to wake up and face the future! If they won’t, then we must vote them out of office.

Get started doing your bit to change this situation today. It’s as easy as watching a video and signing a petition. From there, we can all watch and see what happens. And take further action as needed.

Watch the video and sign the petition here: Watch Video

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