Posts tagged save money

Get Warm and Save Money

It’s hard for me to imagine it, here in Florida where we are all still sweltering in a solar sauna, but it is winter already in many parts of the country. I saw yesterday that it was snowing somewhere already! Wow. I would love a single day below 85 degrees! But even so, it got me thinking about how expensive winter is and how it is hard to stay warm in a tough economy. I have family up there, facing the blast on less money this year, worrying about the heating bills. So it gave me the motivation to look around for some solutions.

I wrote a few posts last year on insulating the home and how to winterize the home cheaply and easily. I thought it was time for an update, with some new ideas thrown in. So if you’re starting to shiver and find yourself shopping on ebay for sweaters, then maybe you can use some of these tips. I promise I will only focus on ideas that cost very little but will work. And, of course, I will stick to the natural side of things and not go suggesting you add abestos! (lol). So, if you’re getting chilly and want to cut back on the green stuff you spend, then give my list a read. It will only take a minute.

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Greenopolis: A Cool New Concept

I found this info online at various sources and was fascinated. For a long time I have tried to find ways to reduce the expenses of living and make my life simpler. I have used recycling websites since 2000. I have taken advantage of Craigs List, it’s free advertising and it’s listing of free stuff. I have also been on Freecycle where you can recycle stuff by trading with other people. And I have been on the Freegan site, imagining myself dumpster diving but not yet doing that. Now, there is a new site online that combines all three ideas. It’s Greenopolis and if you have a moment, hit this link and check it out.

This great new recycling program is really just a retooling of the old swap sites but with a bonus: you can earn points while trading on the site. The points are good for coupons and other discounts. Greenopolis also has a “green” job board where you can apply for new “green” jobs. And the site also has Earth 911, a place to recycle stuff that would normally be trash. Here is how their new recycle/reuse site works:

Both posting items and posting requests for items can earn members points:

-Points are used to acquire Greenopolis Badges (there are currently 10 available)

-Badges equal coupons and items you can download from Greenopolis partners

The Greenopolis site also features games and forums designed to educate members on various environmental issues using social networking tools.

If you have items no longer eligible for reuse, you may be able to recycle them using Earth 911.

Go to the site for complete details on this great new idea. You will help support the development of similar sites if you patronize the ones that are just now starting up.

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What to Consider When Buying A Car

If you are currently or soon to be in the market for a new car, there are some important considerations you must have in mind about today’s world when you buy. There is fast rising inflation, a disintegrating real estate market, widespread global warming, terrorism and dependency on Middle East Oil, rising energy demands worldwide and insecurity in the banks and lending industry. Do you want to take out a long term loan on a car? You probably need to scale down because most of us were buying up big cars and SUVs which are now huge gas guzzling burdens. The entire picture is huge and overwhelming. So I’ve sort of boiled it all down to a few simple rules. Only know how much you can afford to spend on a new car and whether or not you will buy new or used, but there are measurements for many other factors that are easily sorted out and made sense of.

In this article, I am striving to list the cars with the lowest MPG, highest fuel efficiency, lowest carbon imprint and most reasonable size and comfort factors. Saving on fuel and mileage is great but it stinks if you have to squeeze into a tiny car with no trunk to do it. There is one thing I’d like to cure you of but I’m not sure I can. I’d like you to stop caring so much about how a car looks and worry more about how it performs. An ugly car that saves you a bundle, as long as it’s comfortable, is far more desirable than a gas guzzling zoomer with a hot body and a big carbon footprint. All of us stare at the good looking people but no one wants a high maintenance bombshell with a lot of baggage. So be realistic and mature when you go car shopping. Pick out the best performer for the best price and pass the others up. Here is my list to help you make better sense of all of it.

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Super Green Money Saving Tips

There are a lot of money saving tips out there. I see them all over the web and every newspaper I read offers some sort of bargain or deal. The economy stinks so even my local newscaster is discussing ways I can save a dollar on the local level. And I have returned to my beloved habits of shopping at flea markets, thrift stores and online discounters. I am always on the look out for a money saving opportunity and I’m sure you are, too.

But the ones that interest me the most are the ones that both save me money and help to save the planet, too. I care as much about caring for the environment as I do about tending to my wallet. Being an animal and environmental “activist” of sorts, I am always thinking of new ways to make better use of the resources around me. It only makes sense. So, if you want some great ideas on how to save moolah and also be a greenie, here are a few new ones I found. I hope you like them.

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