Posts tagged cars

Some Facts and Figures About Gas

With the rise in the cost of gas and the pressure the American people are feeling in that sensitive spot: our wallets, are you aware of what you are actually doing as a result of this pressure and how it’s affecting the world around you? You will be surprised to see yourselves in this mirror. Here are some facts and figures concerning gas, the cost of gas and the effect it has on our society:

96% of the world’s transportation energy is currently supplied by oil.

The cost of a barrel of oil just over a year ago today was around $75

The cost of a barrel of oil just this past July was around $131, nearly double

And then compare this: We drove 9.6 billion few miles this year than last, from May to May

And this to: 10.3 billion trips were taken via public transportation in 2007– this is the highest number in 50 years and shows what people can do if they decide not to drive a car

Also, there has been a 44% rise in the price of diesel fuel paid currently by these public transit agencies

And now, 20% of these public transit agencies are forced to cut services because of strained budgets

And, overall, 46% of the population in America has NO access to such public transit

The average American would save around $6,251 a year simply by taking the bus instead of a car

And did you know that even if they life the ban on offshore drilling today and work like mad to pump that oil, it wouldn’t be until 2030 that this action impacted the price of the gas we buy

Support public transit if you can! Demand that they make it available where you live. If enough of us get on board, the buses and trollies will make enough money to support their operations and won’t have to depend on the federal “big oil” fat cats to hand them a dollar or two.

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Myths About Gas Consumption

There have always been dos and don’ts when it comes to saving gas. I can remember way back when I was a kid, driving around in a beater and living off of $3 an hour mini um wage, that I was trying to figure out ways to save gas and the expense of car repairs. On the car repair thing, I actually took courses in small engine and large engine repair at the local community college and spent many Saturdays putting in carburetors and yanking out spark plugs. Now, many years later, I no longer drive or maintain a car and use public transportation for the most part. But I do realize that people are even more concerned these days about the cost of gasoline and car maintenance. And I also realize that a lot of what has been passed around as fact for generations is now outdated and useless. Cars today are not what they were when I drove my old beaters around, the engine compartments are cleaner and more contained, engines run on computer chips. So I thought that instead of just passing along more tips for saving gas (although I will continue to do that forever, as long I continue to find them) but today I would address some of the old beliefs which are now nothing but myths.

You remember the adage about morning fill ups? Everybody was running out early in the morning to fill up the tank because it was believed that you got more gas when the gas was cooler. The theory was that cool gas was thicker and therefor you got more of it. If you waited until after noon, especially here in Florida where it’s 80 degrees before lunch, you would get thin, watery gas. This is totally silly and is a complete myth. The temperature of gas truly changes very little, if at all, and any extra gas you may get this way is negligible . So sleep in and don’t worry about it!

The next myth is one that I bought so thoroughly that I don’t think I ever had a car that had air conditioning that worked. The belief has always been if you open your windows and don’t use air, you will save gas. The theory was the air conditioners put a big load on the engine and wasted gas. I mean, I bought this one and so did everybody else. I remember my father telling me, don’t run the air! And that’s here in Florida where, again, it’s 80 degrees and 100% humidity before lunch. And then there was the cult of dissenters who claimed that opening the windows increased aerodynamic drag and was more wasteful than running the air. The general story was that at highway and freeway speeds, 65mph and higher, open windows slowed the car down and made it work harder. But guess what? This is all bunk. In driving tests it has been shown that running the air at highway speeds reduced gas mileage by a mere 1 mpg. And the effect of running with open windows made no difference at all!

And then the third myth I lived by most of my life: a dirty air filter guzzles gas. I was always the first one in line every few months for a new filter in order to keep it from draining my tank. I would get a little burp from my car and the first thing I did was hit the auto parts shop for a filter; after all, they cost a few bucks and if you don’t get one, you will spend a fortune on gas! Well, this may have been true to some small degree when we were all running around on the older engines with very little control over the fuel/air ratio. But because modern engines use computers to precisely control the air/fuel ratio, depending on the amount of air coming in through the filter, this problem no longer exists. And it is true that reducing airflow will cause the engine to automatically reduce the amount of fuel being used. However, in actual testing, fuel economy didn’t change, but cars accelerate much more slowly with a dirty filter. So it is wise to change it fairly often, but it’s not because it will cost you more in gas.

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Secrets of the Hypermilers

50 Simple Driving Techniques that Will Increase Your Gas Mileage

I got these hints from various sites on the web. A whole lot of people are working on ideas that help reduce gas consumption and save everybody some money. I am not sure where the gist of these came from so I am unable to direct you to another site for more info. However, I was careful, as always, to collect it all and pass it along for your consideration.

“Hypermiling” is the term for altering your driving habits in order to get the most miles per gallon of gas. Let’s face it, gas prices are outrageous and the economy as a whole is being affected. If you are having trouble making ends meet and want to get the most out of your gas money, follow the 50 hypermiling tips below. I am sure they will help some of you if you give them a try.

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More Gas Saving Tips

I got these ideas from a website in Britain. It was published as a guideline for the UK but it applies just as well in the US. I know some of these have been mentioned on this site before but they bear repeating. Take a look and see if there is something you can use:

1. Only use your car if it’s necessary. If the destination is close by, walk or bike it.

2. Keep your car well maintained. A poorly tuned engine can up fuel consumption by a massive 50 per cent.

3. Plan your journey. According to the RAC, British drivers waste the equivalent of 267 Olympic swimming pools of fuel going the wrong way.

4. Remove unused roof racks. Due to the extra drag, they increase fuel consumption by up to two per cent on the motorway.

5. Fill up early morning or late at night when it’s cooler because fuel is denser then and you’ll get more into the tank. The difference may be pennies, but it all helps.

6. Check tyres are properly inflated. Underinflated tyres can reduce fuel efficiency by up to three per cent.

7. Don’t use air conditioning. It increases fuel consumption by eight per cent.

8. Drive at 56mph. This is the most fuel-efficient speed. Slowing down to 56mph from 70mph will cut fuel consumption by 20 per cent.

9. Don’t accelerate quickly then brake hard at the next traffic lights. By raising speed gradually and paying attention to traffic conditions, you’ll increase fuel efficiency by up to 20 per cent.

10. The lighter your car, the less effort is needed to accelerate. So clear junk from the boot and avoid carrying unnecessary weight. Fuel efficiency can rise by up to two per cent.

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What to Consider When Buying A Car

If you are currently or soon to be in the market for a new car, there are some important considerations you must have in mind about today’s world when you buy. There is fast rising inflation, a disintegrating real estate market, widespread global warming, terrorism and dependency on Middle East Oil, rising energy demands worldwide and insecurity in the banks and lending industry. Do you want to take out a long term loan on a car? You probably need to scale down because most of us were buying up big cars and SUVs which are now huge gas guzzling burdens. The entire picture is huge and overwhelming. So I’ve sort of boiled it all down to a few simple rules. Only know how much you can afford to spend on a new car and whether or not you will buy new or used, but there are measurements for many other factors that are easily sorted out and made sense of.

In this article, I am striving to list the cars with the lowest MPG, highest fuel efficiency, lowest carbon imprint and most reasonable size and comfort factors. Saving on fuel and mileage is great but it stinks if you have to squeeze into a tiny car with no trunk to do it. There is one thing I’d like to cure you of but I’m not sure I can. I’d like you to stop caring so much about how a car looks and worry more about how it performs. An ugly car that saves you a bundle, as long as it’s comfortable, is far more desirable than a gas guzzling zoomer with a hot body and a big carbon footprint. All of us stare at the good looking people but no one wants a high maintenance bombshell with a lot of baggage. So be realistic and mature when you go car shopping. Pick out the best performer for the best price and pass the others up. Here is my list to help you make better sense of all of it.

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